AppBook Solutions Software
Very simple and friendly layout for easy work flow. Even one can handle it with just basic computer knowledge without any mistake.
Feature rich and user friendly interface lets you search, filter,sort and other related task on minimum manual intervention.
Most helpful feature to communicate with customer and office staff to send message, alert and reminder at zero cost.
This feature lets you, operate software from your own domain. White label branding for partners also available.
Lets you to send email and message on different criteria from software, no need to open mail and attach.
You can bind your own custom domain to operate software for your own brand look, feel and branding.
Graphical report lets you easily analyze report with little concentration and effort and faster performance.
We provide free customizing in software to suit your need, and you can too manage it from setting very easily.
Real-time log for admin to keep eye on every transaction. It will shows transaction as it occurs without refreshing page.